Russian Language Center May Open in Havana This Year

2 June 2016

Russian language center may open in Cuba this year, and the curricula of some Havana schools might include lessons of Russian.

During its visit to Moscow, Cuban delegation visited the Institute of Pushkin, where the parties discussed bilateral cooperation in education.

“The Ministry of Education and Science is planning to open a center of the Russian language in Cuba this year”, the press service quoted the words of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Veniamin Kaganov.

In addition, Kaganov offered to the Cuban side to open up the study of Russian in some schools of Havana, which will expand the number of future students and teachers of Russian. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel has supported the idea of including the study of Russian in the curriculum.

In the current academic year, Russian budged funded the study of 86 Cuban students in Russia. The following year, 110 scholarships are planned to be allocated to students from the Republic of Cuba, so that some of them become teachers of Russian in the future.


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